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Contributing towards building a culture of good governance

    Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) has completed a two year long intervention in the state of Rajasthan from April 2010 to March 2012 in partnership with Affiliated Network on Social Accountability - South Asia Region (ANSA-SAR). The intervention focused on imparting the skill to utilize Community Score Card (A social Accountability tool) among a cadre of people and using the tool in MGNREGS. Under this intervention 66 representatives of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from all 33 districts were trained in Community Score Card (CSC). CSC is a tool, which generates qualitative data regarding implementation of any service delivery. The trained people applied this tool in two Gram Panchayat of every district of Rajasthan. The CSC was applied in MNREGS with multi-pronged agenda of improving the service delivery, enhancing the voice of wage seekers, awareness on entitlements, holding the public service accountable, improving the relationship between community and service providers and many more. A brief about the whole experience is presented in this paper. The intention of this paper is to share the specific findings of the assessment through CSC on the implementation of MGNREGS and showcase the experiences of establishing accountability through civic engagement.

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What You Say

  • 1 of 2


    Yes No Can't say

  • 2 of 2

    Do you feel most of the people in India have no taste of good governance and hence it remains a marginal issue for elections in India?

    Yes No Can't say


  • 1 of 6

    Governments in South Asian countries are gradually becoming more afraid of the activities of Civil Society Organizations and thus taking steps to restrain CSOs. Do you feel there would be serious impact on the role played by CSOs in the overall governance and development?

  • 2 of 6

    Companies in India are evidently absent from a four-year-old United Nations-led global initiative against corruption. Do you agree that private companies are in tune with corruption?

  • 3 of 6

    In the current scenario, where information is attached with lot of strings, do you feel dissemination of information is crucial for enhancing accountability ?

  • 4 of 6

    Social networking sites are effective tool for lobbying and bringing pro-poor changes ?

  • 5 of 6

    Do you feel social accountability tools are cost effective way of enhancing effectivness of development efforts ?

  • 6 of 6

    Even though the common man suffers corruption at the very low levels of bureaucracy, it is the big players who indulge in high level corruption ?