
    This dynamic web portal Accountability Solutions for enabling the activities under Communities of Practice on Social Accountability (CoPSA) is facilitated by Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) in partnership with The Affiliated Network for Social Accountability – South Asia Region (ANSA SAR). The services provided by the portal are subject to the following terms and conditions. Kindly leave the website and unsubscribe from the communities if you do not agree with these terms and conditions.

      1.   The information and data published on Accountability Solutions has been compiled from a variety of sources. Unless it is mentioned, the viewpoints presented on this portal are completely of the individuals publishing them. Neither CUTS nor ANSA SAR would be responsible for any opinions or discussion on the portal and it can’t be made responsible for any content published on the website for its quality, suitability or completeness.

      2.   Accountability Solutions is an open platform for sharing knowledge by individuals, organizations. The knowledge that is shared or made available on the site should not be taken as knowledge expressed by CUTS and thus it bears no liability for any material communicated by third parties in this way.

      3.   Accountability Solutions will not be able to monitor, verify or endorse all information or material published on the website to ensure its accuracy and completeness. In no event shall CUTS be liable for any loss.

      4.   CUTS reserves the absolute right to review, edit, or delete any material that it deems to be inappropriate or in violation of these terms and conditions.

      5.   Accountability Solutions provides links to other websites for informational purposes only. Again, the views and opinions of authors expressed on these websites are not approved by CUTS and hence cannot be made responsible for any loss by using information.

What You Say

  • 1 of 2

    Do you feel stringent laws to prevent corruption and rights (such as access to information) given to common people can lead towards policy paralyses?

    Yes No Can't say

  • 2 of 2

    Do you feel most of the people in India have no taste of good governance and hence it remains a marginal issue for elections in India?

    Yes No Can't say


  • 1 of 6

    Governments in South Asian countries are gradually becoming more afraid of the activities of Civil Society Organizations and thus taking steps to restrain CSOs. Do you feel there would be serious impact on the role played by CSOs in the overall governance and development?

  • 2 of 6

    Companies in India are evidently absent from a four-year-old United Nations-led global initiative against corruption. Do you agree that private companies are in tune with corruption?

  • 3 of 6

    In the current scenario, where information is attached with lot of strings, do you feel dissemination of information is crucial for enhancing accountability ?

  • 4 of 6

    Social networking sites are effective tool for lobbying and bringing pro-poor changes ?

  • 5 of 6

    Do you feel social accountability tools are cost effective way of enhancing effectivness of development efforts ?

  • 6 of 6

    Even though the common man suffers corruption at the very low levels of bureaucracy, it is the big players who indulge in high level corruption ?